Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Poem 1 Day 6

Millennium mysteries dashed with white fury, caught amidst a titanic brawl,

Poem 1 Part 5

An outcry out-crag jutting, a suicide bomber one day to fall,

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Poem 1 Part 4

Tears of ocean spray wash ashore legacies of the sunken tomb,

Line by Line

Yes; I admit between schoolwork and extra(curricular) pursuits, my "a line a day" goal has not been going all to plan. Thus I think (at least until I can get things in order) the new adage will be "Line by Line," conveniently blurring the frequency and rate at which lines will be published. In addition, the naming convention will henceforth be changed to that of parts instead of days. But in any case, aside from that small development, continueth we on our journey!

Poem 1 Day 3

A dredging darkness deems the door to undoubted doom,

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Poem 1 Day 1

Where begins the ocean, ends the sea,

One Line a Day

Hello anyone who might be reading this! Welcome to Pleonasm in Poetry, a blog I've just created, and an empty blog at that, full of pages and pages of NOTHING. That's right, if what I've just described sounds wrong, then you may indeed be a traveler from the future–at least as of the time I am writing this. So here I shall embark upon a quest for the most amazing poem in the history of poetry. Or at least something like that. And now we begin the line a day.